Monday, August 11, 2008

Apples are not just for Teachers!

I just spent 3 gorgeous days at the Gold Coast Art Fair. The weather was perfect and the streets were packed. A great way to finish my summer shows. Now I get to relax for a week before diving into all my custom orders. A couple comments from this weekend about the new apple fabric bags included "That would be a great teacher bag," and "What a cute teacher gift." All I have to say is apples are not just for teachers. A couple of my teacher friends said, "I better not get an apple bag as a gift." I love apple picking, but I don't know if apple picking works for Daisy Bags. I may just have to keep that fabric for the inside of the bags.

Lucy just got back from a week at Grandma and Grandpa's. I wonder how long it will take her to stop calling me "Grammie." First day back and she is already using fabric as a clothesline for my ribbon scraps.

1 comment:

  1. I like the apple bags, and they don't seem teacher-y. And I like this font muuuch better :)
